[WT-support] Cabrillo File
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Mon Apr 27 20:52:37 CEST 2009
It sounds like Win-Test wasn't communicating with the radio properly.
Assuming you still have everything set up as it was during the contest, when
you turn the knob on the radio, do you see the frequency in the status
window [Alt-J] change? If not, chances are the MMTTY program is using the
same serial port, so Win-Test cannot get to it. MMTTY and Win-Test are two
separate programs and they cannot share the same serial port.
You must specify no radio control in MMTTY when you are using it with
Win-Test. You must not specify PTT via the same serial port that the radio
is using.
Go to MMTTY setup (Options, Setup MMTTY). Go to the TX tab. Set PTT to a
different serial port than the radio's serial port. Press the Radio Command
button and set the port to NONE.
Bob, N6TV
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 5:45 AM, Steve and Judy <hodgson at cytanet.com.cy>wrote:
> I did the SPRTTY contest over the weekend using the SPDX programme which
> is the closest I can get for this contest.
> After producing the Cabrillo file I noticed that the frequency column did
> not show the correct individual Qso frequencies.
> All of my 3.5 mhz Qso's were shown as 3584
> 7 mhz as 7033
> 14 mhz as 14095
> 21 mhz as 21002
> I am using WT 3.26
> Icom-756 Pro3
> MK2R
> Is this a software or an equipment problem.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> I used the same programme last year with V 3.19 and all of the individual
> Qso frequencies were listed in the Cabrillo file output.
> 73 Steve ZC4LI.
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