[WT-support] WinKeyer 2 support?

sm5ajv at tdcmail.se sm5ajv at tdcmail.se
Mon Sep 15 21:29:40 CEST 2008

I am still trying to get the WinKeyer USB (by K1EL) to play
properly with WT.

The WinKeyer USB is using the WK2 chip and the control
of the output port is different comparing to the older WK1 chip.

Basically I want to connect
* KEY1 and PTT1 to Radio 1
* KEY2 and PTT2 to Radio 2

This doesn't not work with WT as it looks. 

Here are some of details that I have found by experimenting
with the WinKeyer Configuration dialog.

Second output (pin 5): RADIO2 
KEY1 and KEY2 outputs follows radio selection in WT and
are keying. BUT the PTT1 and PTT2 are not active at all.

Second output (pin 5): PTT
KEY1 is active with both radios, KEY2 inactive regardless of radio
PTT1 is active with both radios, PTT2 inactive regardless of radio

Look at page 8 in the WinKey USB manual you can see the difference
between WK1 and WK2. In WK1 pin 5 is a shared resource, in WK2 has
dedicated pins for KEY1, KEY2, PTT1, PTT2.

Bit 3: WK1-Pin 5 KeyOut Enable   : WK2-KeyOut 1 Enable
Bit 2: WK1-Pin 3 KeyOut Enable   : WK2-KeyOut 2 Enable
Bit 1: WK1-Pin 5 Sidetone Enable : WK2-Sidetone Enable
Bit 0: WK1-Pin 5 PTT Enable      : WK2-PTT Enable (both PTT1 & PTT2)
Manual can be found at:

Is it possible to have WK2 support? Its essential to have the 
PTT-keying working properly when doing SO2R. It would be nice to
have this working for the upcoming Scandinavian Activity Contest
20-21 September.

73 & Thanks for a great program!
Ingo SM5AJV / SE5E

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