[WT-support] SCC RTTY Championship with Nr. 1926!

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Sep 1 13:52:29 CEST 2008

Hi Lothar

Dr. Lothar Wilke a écrit :

> All QSOs with RA9SC, UA9AFS and UA9TK were calculated with 
> 2 points, all the other UA9-stations are ok with 3 points.
> HW?

The SCC committee doesn't consider all UA9 being in Asia.

We must rely on the oblast to decide if the UA9 stns are in Asia or in 

As the RDXC oblast list lists all UA9 stns in Asia, we must hardcode 
this rule :-(
Quote from S50XX email (18/08/2007 21:28) - s50xx at arrl.net :

The term "Asiatic Russia UA9/UA0 oblasts" is used because six UA9 
oblasts are geographically located in Europe.

These areas are:

UA9A (ER53) - Chelyabinskaya Oblast (West of River Ural and Ural Range),
UA9F (ER54) - Permskaya Oblast,
UA9G (ER55) - Komi-Permyatsky AO,
UA9S (ER56) - Orenburgskaya Oblast (West of River Ural),
UA9W (ER57) - Bashkortostan (West of River Ural and Ural Range),
UA9X (ER58) - Komi

(BTW, UA9T is *also* ER56)


Larry - F6FVY

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