[WT-support] Single-Band Configuration?
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Thu Oct 23 04:03:21 CEST 2008
2008/10/22 Dave Zeph <zephd at indy.rr.com>
> How do I set up Win-Test so that only QSO's on a specified Band are
> scored – yet let me make QSO's on other Bands and submit those as a "check
> log"?
At this point Win-Test doesn't give you a way to manually say "I'm single
band 20" or similar. It only puts the single band indicator in the Cabrillo
file header if you log all of your QSOs on the same band.
The work-around is to log all the QSOs on all bands (ignore the displayed
score), then after the contest, Export your entire log to Cabrillo, then
extract all the QSOs for the single band of interest, then re-import the
filtered Cabrillo file into Win-Test to calculate your single-band score and
produce a proper single-band Cabrillo header.
One way to extract all the 20m or 40m QSOs is with the DOS FIND command:
FIND "QSO: 14" <cqww08ph.log >cqww08ph20.log
FIND "QSO: 7" <cqww08ph.log >cqww08ph40.log
Of course you have to manually copy/paste the Cabrillo header and
"END-OF-LOG:" line since the extracted log will only have the QSO: records.
You'll also have to manually update the CLAIMED-SCORE: line.
So, there are a lot of steps to make this happen right now. In sum:
1. Log all QSOs
2. WRITELOG to create a multi-band Cabrillo
3. Use DOS FIND command or similar to extract a single-band Cabrillo
(QSO: records only)
4. Cut/Paste header of multi-band Cabrillo to top of single-band Cabrillo
5. Cut/Paste "END-OF-LOG:" line to end of single-band Cabrillo
6. Import Single-band Cabrillo into Win-Test
7. WRITELOG again to produce updated Single-Band Cabrillo with proper
single-band header and single-band CLAIMED-SCORE: lines
8. Edit the Multi-Band Cabrillo file, and delete all the header lines
9. Copy/Paste Single-Band Cabrillo Header into top of edited Multi-Band
10. Send in Multi-Band Cabrillo file making sure that the Single-Band
indicator is present in the header
A Perl script or similar could probably automate the editing process.
But I don't know if CQ wants you to do this for the World-Wide. They want
it for WPX, but I haven't found the page that says they want you to do this
for the World-Wide.
Bob, N6TV
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