[WT-support] Lost contest file

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Mon Nov 17 05:35:00 CET 2008

First if you can run Win-Test and it successfully opens your log, the file
is still there. Run WRITELOG to create a Cabrillo file and summary file.

Perhaps SS.WTB is a hidden file?  Try this from a DOS command prompt:

cd /d "C:\Program Filies\Win-Test"
dir /a /od

This will display all files, even hidden files, sorted by last-modified
date, with the most recently updated files listed last.

If that doesn't work, try

CD /d C:\
dir SS* /a /b /s

Which will search your entire C: drive for files that star with SS, and list
the full path to those files.  If that doesn't find it, try D:\ or E:\ drive
if you have those drives.

If you find the file, but it is "hidden" (doesn't show up with "dir /a"),
you can unhide it via

attrib -h -s SS.wtb  (removes Hidden, and System file flags).

The other possibility is that it is kept inside a "Compressed File Folder"
(a Zip file) somewhere, but that seems unlikely.

Bob, N6TV

2008/11/16 Bob-N4CU <n4cu-2 at s125890533.onlinehome.us>

>  I just finished a contest with the contest file named SS.  I cannot find
> SS.WTB in the Win-Test folder or anyplace on my computer using search.  I
> went through the createlog screen and can't find a .log or .adi file
> either.  They should be in the Win-Test folder but are not there.  I have
> opened and closed the contest log several times so the computer can find
> the ss.wtb file.  Any idea on how to locate the log files?
> Bob
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