[WT-support] key redefine working as designed

K5MR taylor at texband.net
Tue Nov 11 02:07:57 CET 2008

User error on my part - Key Redefine is working well and as designed.  I did
not understand the column labels in the Redefine table so I was setting it
up backwards.  Thanks to N6TV for setting me straight!
Here are Bob's comments that clarify how it works.
'Many people get it backwards.  The way it works makes sense to some people,
and it doesn't make sense to others.  Anyway, once you get it working I'm
sure you'll be happy, as both keys will continue to work.

Think of it as "redefine some key that doesn't do anything useful yet".  So
you're not "moving" the [F1] function to some other key, you are making some
other key do the same thing as [F1].'
Steve - K5MR
2008/11/8 K5MR <taylor at texband.net
<http://www.f5mzn.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support> >
>  I am not able to get the key redefine feature to work in WT version 3.23.
>   Has anyone else experienced the same problem?
No, it works fine.  Chances are good you are pressing the keys in the wrong
order.  If you want to use a key like [\] (backslash) to swap radios instead
of [*], you do not "redefine the [*]", as that would remove the function.
 You redefine the [\] so that it does the same thing as the [*].
See http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Menu:Tools#Redefine_keyboard_keys and
follow of the four steps.
If you still can't get it to work, please send a screen shot or explain what
you are trying to do.
Bob, N6TV
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