[WT-support] WPX CW 2008 reflections
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Tue May 27 15:24:23 CEST 2008
Hi Tõnno et al.
Tõnno Vähk a écrit :
> -The crash at opening problem seems to be fixed in 3.20!!! Thanks guys. Whatever you did, it must have worked. I did not have any more any crashes at opening log file in Baltic contest or WPX at any computer! It is definitely gone!
Glad to hear that. It looks it was related to the map window thread
> - Sometimes still network drops out (Packet Stream Error or Network disabled messages, etc..) and reload is needed for specific computer to get it back on line. But this might be a user specific issue, maybe RF issue or sth... Funny thing is that in some occasions WT selects the Disable log syncronisation option itself and you keep wondering why the Qs are not coming in...
Still puzzled with that, as we didn't change anything related to the
network since many releases. Still waiting more information...
> 1. $N+1 variable would be SO SO appreciated to be able to send the one after next number in WPX multi OP. It causes so many problems now to send manually and ops mess up it often.
Just added a $NEXTSERIAL (and a $PREVSERIAL for the same price...)
variables in the current nightly build.
> 2. I see in your nightly build that changing to S&P mode disables REPEAT mode. Good. But WHAT ABOUT AUTO SENDING?? This is the first thing that should be disabled! It is really troublesome now.
Also added in the dvpt version, but still requires some testing. You may
try it if you want.
> 3. In S&P mode Autofilling the Callsign window when tuning on spot. That would be so good to have! When the callsign goes yellow on Bandmap, why can't you have an option to AUTOFILL the callsign window? So much extra work is done by ops now to do it themselves.
As Bob pointed out, not really easy to manage with (several) other
options. For now, I rather recommend to use the Ctrl-Space shortcut to
"grab" the callsign pointed by the VFO cursor.
> 4. Shortcuts for AUTOCQ and AUTOSEND ON/OFF. Especially AUTOSEND is so hard to get into in the menu. I recommend CTRL+C and CTRL+V again! And AUTOCQ for other messages then F1 would be very useful also!
1/ The autosend feature must be re-written to allow a change without
using the menu item, because of the different options (3 chars or 4 chars).
2/ If we decide to attribute keyboard shortcuts, there are chances we
will not use Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V which are associated with the Copy/Paste
mechanism in users minds.
In brief, we'll think abt it, but it is not feasible in a blink of an eye.
> 2. And again of course: I hope I will live to see the day when I can have my personal default CW messages and do not need to change all the messages painfully manually in every single computer before every single contest. The hope dies last!!
This feature is still in our minds, but before going into new (pretty)
complicated features, we first want to sanitize and properly refactor
the current source code. It is useless to implement "roaming" profiles
or such things, if you can't even send proper CW with a WinKey or crash
Win-Test on opening. I understand it may frustrate some of you, but I'm
afraid you will hv to wait a bit more.
Thanks for the report.
Larry - F6FVY
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