[WT-support] Showing up at getscores ?

Andrew O'Brien andrewobrie at gmail.com
Sun Mar 9 02:39:04 CET 2008

I have followed the instructions in the help file but do not see
myself as connected to getscore.org during the active sprint (NAQP

Does the data below indicated that I am logged on ?

TIME:(0) STN1(1) (2) 1205025943(3)
IHAVE:(0) STN1(1) (2) STN1 at 46014(3) OWNER(4) 4(5)
IHAVE:(0) STN1(1) (2) STN1 at 46010(3) LOGGEDON(4) 1(5)
IHAVE:(0) STN1(1) (2) STN1 at 46006(3) LOGGEDON(4) 2(5)
IHAVE:(0) STN1(1) (2) STN1 at 46008(3) LOGGEDON(4) 1(5)
STATUS:(0) STN1(1) (2) 0(3) 3(4) 2(5) 0(6) 70541(7) 0(8) 0(9) 1(10) 70400(11)
TIME:(0) STN1(1) (2) 1205025959(3)

In the XML debugging window, I have "Nil Submitted yet".

Also, what is the difference between the yellow circle and red circle
next to "Activated...gathering data"  ?    "Activated Gather data"
never seems to change.  The coloured circle does, but the text remains
the same.

Enable Score Submission is enabled

I get nothing in the "reponse from server" area or the XML Results area.

Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)

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