[WT-support] Win-Test 3.21.0 is out
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Jun 23 11:08:07 CEST 2008
Hi all
Win-Test 3.21.0 is officially released, and can be downloaded here :
http://download.win-test.com/wt-3.21.0-update.exe [2.5 MB]
http://download.win-test.com/wt-3.21.0.exe [7.1 MB]
As the holidays season is coming, we also built the freeware DXPed
edition based on this version :
Many general new features have been introduced, and some bugfixes /
improvements, especially related to the WinKey management, added too.
See the release file below.
Have fun !
Larry - F6FVY for the Win-Test team
3.21.0 (June 23, 2008)
- CAUTION: New network protocol version 1.22 released
Reminder: If you use WT in a networked environment, you must have
the same WT version on all machines!
- Operators management : Reserved for Multi-Ops : When an operator logs
in, Win-Test now automatically tries to run an executable (.exe ,
.bat or .com) named op_"callsign" which must be located in the
Win-Test installation directory. For example, if DL6RAI logs in, WT
will try to run op_dl6rai.exe (or .bat or .com), if this file exists.
If the callsign includes a "/" character, it will be replaced by an
underscore ("_"). This feature may be useful to automate various
actions. Tnx DK4YJ for giving the idea.
- NA RTTY Sprint : The special "legal dupe" rule being abandonned for
this mode, Win-Test is now processing dupes the same way as for
the SSB and CW legs. Tnx W0YK.
- Win-Test now manages a lock mechanism to prevent several program
instances running on the same machine to open the same log.
Tnx N6TV.
- CW and RTTY messages dlg : Keystrokes are now automatically
upper-cased while entering.
- Partial QTH locator search enhanced (Shift - F10) :
- Only applies to the VHF+ contests
- Partial locator can be entered in the callsign field
- or -
- Partial locator can be entered in the locator field
with four characters at least
- Automatic CQ repeat : New options in the setting dialog to use
this function for functions keys different from F1, depending
on the mode. Can be useful, for example, in Phone when using
CQ messages in different languages.
- Automatic CQ repeat : The repeat interval can set even if
the function is disabled.
- CW Autosend : Setting dlg slightly modified to split the
Enable / Disable toggle from the minimum entered chars setting.
- CW Autosend : The triggering chars count now starts after the
first '/' if there is one in the callsign. Tnx ES5TV.
- Shift and NumLock bindings settings are now ignored when using an
operating technique different from the Advanced SO2R. Tnx SM5AJV.
- New option in the help menu to display text command tips for
menu items. The equivalent text commands for this option are
- CW/RTTY Messages options : New option to ignore the S&P messages
when switching to the S&P operating mode. Only the Sprint logic for
the Insert key acts as expected, if enabled. Tnx ES5TV and N6TV.
- CW/RTTY Messages options : The Sprint logic for the Insert Key now
also applies for the AP Sprint. Tnx N6TV.
- New $NEXTSERIAL and $PREVSERIAL CW and RTTY variables. Sends the
next or the previous serial number of the current QSO line.
Tnx ES5TV.
- New text commands added :
- WKSETUP: Equivalent to Options / WinKey configuration...
- EZSETUP: Equivalent to Options / EZMaster configuration...
- MKSETUP: Equivalent to Options / MK/MKII/MK2R configuration...
- RTTYSETUP: Equivalent to Options / RTTY configuration...
- QUICKQSL: Equivalent to Tools / Intelligent Quick QSL...
- AUTOCQ/NOAUTOCQ: Enables/disables the Repeat mode
- CWAUTO/NOCWAUTO: Enables/disable the CW Auto Send
- RPTDELAY: Equivalent to Tools / Automatic CQ repeat, with
the focus set to the repeat interval field
- CTYFILE(S) / COUNTRYFILE(S): Eq. to Options / Data files /
Country files...
- RUN / S&P operating : When the repeat mode is enabled, changing to
S&P operating disables the repeat and the autosend modes. Tnx ES5TV.
- Alt-F : QSO operator added to the editable fields. Modifications,
if any, are propagated across the network.
- New feature added in the Tools menu to allow the correction of the
operator for a range of QSO.
Even if this tool is more supposed to be used after a contest, or a
DXPed, to correct a wrong or forgotten entry, each correction is
broadcasted to the other stns of the network by default. You can
disable this broadcasting to save time, if not needed.
The easiest way to correct a range of Q, is to set the cursor log
on the first Q to correct and select the menu item. The operator
combo will be then already set. Then, adjust the last Q to correct
by using the arrow keys (and optionally the band(s) and mode(s)).
Note that corrections are pretty CPU intensive and it may take
a certain amount of time for large logs, because each QSO
modification requires internal structures to be
Note : Hesitating and wise users are encouraged to perform a backup
of their log before proceeding. These corrections can't be cancelled
while they are progress, to avoid any log inconsistancy...
Tnx G3TXF and F6IFY.
- WinKey properties : New options to set speed with the WK pot. only,
or the WT commands when using the "Sync speed" option.
_ User Interface : Following the programming guidelines, all menu
items requesting additional information to complete are now ending
with an ellipsis.
- Bugfix : Several bugfixes and improvements on the WinKey speed.
Tasks #122, 162 and various reports.
Tnx N6TV, K1EL, F6IFY, OM7ZZ and many others.
- Bugfix : Task #128. CW and RTTY messages dialog now handle
the Enter and Esc keys as expected. Tnx N6TV.
- Bugfix : WAE QTC transmitting and receiving messages dialog now
handle the Enter and Esc keys as expected.
- Bugfix : QuickQsl dialog : The Enter and Esc keys work as expected
while editing the messages.
- Bugfix : Task #173 : The decimal point is now accepted when editing
QSO frequency or QSX frequency in the Alt-F dlg. Tnx N6TV
- Bugfix : Task #138 : In S&P, F1 was setting the CQ frequency.
- Bugfix : RTTY windows : Under some circonstances, the automatic
grabbing with the INSERT key was broken. Tnx W0YK.
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