[WT-support] CAT settings of FT-1000MP MarkV (field) in Win-Test
Toni Lindén
oh2ua at oh2u.com
Wed Jun 11 09:37:23 CEST 2008
I'll try once again...
I hope that WT developers did understand the point already.
We had a desktop with 8 real, physical COM-ports. With real I really
mean REAL, like the normal COM port with nothing to do with Router or
But we don't have to worry about these REAL COM ports. Only thing why
I did mention that we had that many real COM's, was that with Router
we had to use COM's with higher number than 8, because Router can
create virtual ports only with number not assigned to real COM (in our
case COM 9-12).
As I wrote in my first e-mail, we used MK2R+ and also CAT was routed
via Router. I guess that we did assign COM9 to Radio 1 CAT (not COM 8
as I wrote earlier, sri my mistake)
> So was was the FT-1000 Mark-V physically connect to one of these real COM
> Ports or to the MK2R+? When I say "Real COM Port" I mean a DE9 connector on
> the back of a PC, a standalone COM port that you can use when the MK2R+ is
> powered off or unplugged , like this one, mounted on a PC:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Dsubs.png
>> With real COM ports I mean REAL COM-ports. The computer was desktop
>> with 8 real COM ports.
We're talking all the time about using FT1000MP (and MarkV) CAT
control via Router. Everything was connected via MK2R+ and assigned to
virtual port. I noticed this problem first time now, because normally
we're using configuration like I wrote to MK2R+ setup guide.
So "normally" there's no need to assign CAT port for COM 9 or so,
because it's logical to use COM's in order beginning from smallest or
And when I did disabled REAL physical COM with small number (COM 3)
and after that created virtual COM to that same number (COM 3) and
THEN assigned that COM 3 for radio control in WT, it began to work.
> If the microHAM router is displaying the radio frequency, then you are using
> a virtual serial port, not a physical one. Or did you use two different
> computers, one with physical COM ports, no microHAM, and another with a
> microHAM virtual COM ports? And COM8 wouldn't work on either PC?
> Juha wrote:
> At the time the Microham router talked with the FT1000MP ok but Win-test
>> didn't.
> Once again, that means a virtual serial port is being used via USB, not a
> "real" one.
73 de Toni, OH2UA
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