[WT-support] Merge
i4ufh at hamradiosolutions.com
Sat Jul 19 14:29:25 CEST 2008
Fine Guys,
I got the original files, changed the call sign to IU0HQ to have a unique
call for all the logs, merged them, even a merge of 2 logs they are added
mot merged ....
don't really understand ...
I will follow again u suggestion, and report the results in these days
Thank's for help
73 de I4UFH
----- Original Message -----
From: "Laurent HAAS - F6FVY" <f6fvy at free.fr>
To: <support at win-test.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2008 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: [WT-support] Merge
Hi Fabio et al.
I4UFH HRS a écrit :
> Don't know how to fix it, for now i had extracted all the band/mode QSO in
> cabrillo, cuted and paste into a one cabrillo file and reinported in WT,
> easy to do but real annoing when there is a merge function that must do
> the
> same task..
I'm also still waiting some logs for the TM0HQ team, but until now I
merged 22 logs (some of them being partial) with no problem... The merge
process produced a very small report with legitimate discrepancies.
1/ Of course, for a given Q, its QSO number (displayed in the leftmost
part of the WT main wnd) doesn't have to be the same in every log. If it
was, you wouldn't require any merge ! So, this is not the reason of your
2/ You must take the *ORIGINAL* wtb files (no export / reimport or
such), and check the station name was *different* for every station. It
is wasn't, well, you *could* have problems.
3/ Maybe you could try with one merged log only at a time. Use the
larger log you have as the "master".
Larry - F6FVY
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