[WT-support] WinTest ADIF output to include DXCC entity and CQ WW zone ?

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Sun Jan 27 08:53:41 CET 2008

Sounds like your goal is to summarize QSO counts by zone, country prefix,
band, and mode.  There are many ways to do this.

First, it's unfortunate that Win-Test doesn't export a CQ WW type Cabrillo
file for DXpedition mode.  Then you could just use K5KA's Cabrillo
Statistics program <http://www.kkn.net/%7Ek5tr/cbs.html> (CBS) to quickly
generate such statistics.

Perhaps you could use BV by DJ3FB <http://www.df3cb.com/bv/index.html>
or LogConv
by KA5WSS <http://www.ka5wss.com/Software/LogConv/> to convert the Win-Test
ADIF file to Cabrillo or to CT binary.  CTWin's WRITELOG command will
produce many useful statistical reports for a DXPedition mode log.

You could also use a program like DX4WIN <http://www.dx4win.com/> to import
a Win-Test ADIF file.  Like CTWin, it can figure out the country and zone
for you.

For something home-grown, you really want a CSV (Comma Separated Values)
file, not ADIF.  The ADIF file
specification<http://www.adif.org/adif219.htm#Fields>does not appear
to include a "standard DXCC country prefix" field.  The ADIF
<COUNTRY> field is for a "DXCC Entity Name" like "Afghanistan", "Alaska",
"Japan", etc., not YA, KL7, JA.  The ADIF <DXCC> tag is for a country number
(1-515).  The ADIF <PFX> tag is for a WPX prefix.  None of these will help
you here.

However, it's pretty easy to do what you want using Win-Test and Microsoft
Excel.  Just export the QSOs to a CSV file:

   1. Open VP6DX.WTB with Win-Test
   2. WRITELOG [Enter]
   3. Check the "Text CSV" option and click the [Options...] button
   4. From the field list, select Date, Time, Band, Mode, Callsign, DXCC
   Country, WAZ Zone (bug: Win-Test won't remember these choices the next time
   you restart the program)
   5. Check "Include headers row" and press [OK]
   6. Press [OK] again.  You'll now have a file named VP6DX.CSV in your
   Win-Test directory.
   7. Open VP6DX.CSV with Microsoft Excel
   8. Select Data, Pivot Table
   9. Press [Next], [Next]
   10. Select "New worksheet" and click [Layout ...]
   11. Drag Zone and Country to the "Row" area on the left
   12. Drag Band and Mode to the "Column" area at the top
   13. Drag Callsign to the "Data" area in the middle (Excel displays
   "Count Callsign").
   14. Press [OK] and [Finish] to view the summary report.

One problem is that Excel may be limited to 65536 rows max.  You could split
up the data by date and summarize separately, or import the CSV file into a
real database program like Lotus Approach, Microsoft Access, or MySQL.  They
can all summarize 100,000 rows quite easily.

Bob, N6TV

On Jan 26, 2008 9:17 PM, Eric Scace K3NA <eric at k3na.org> wrote:

> To clarify this request:
>   when operating as a"DXpedition"
>   we need the ADIF output to include WW zone and DXCC entity info in
> each QSO line.
> This is essential for generating reports on QSO distribution to the
> various parts of the world during the expedition; we rely on that data
> to shift operators to openings that have not been well-covered to date.
> In theory we could log as a WW contest, and get the right information in
> the ADIF -- except that the WW contests don't allow us to change modes
> (CW RTTY and SSB) nor use WARC bands and 6m.
> Help!
> -- Eric K3NA
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