[WT-support] Experienced delay in software response undernetwork ...
box640 at sympatico.ca
Tue Feb 19 19:54:35 CET 2008
HI Bob,
Thanks for the details and your findings.
Here I use Microkeyer II (fairly new up grade from (MK1)) and microHam
router.5.1.1 . PC is 3.0 G with 1G mem Dual Channel .also hyper trading
(easy on multi task)
I use the option separate speed for keyer pot and wintest to ==> winkey .
Everything runs fine and I use the << ++ test - - >> speed increment without
problems . some qrq message once in a while !
Since I use the ESC key very often to stop a message . maybe it is the
source of a undeleted or reset buffer somewhere.
I had no time during the contest to investigate but since it's the first
time I try livescore and network setup for it. I though it may be the reason
The issue came up very fast when in a new multiplier pile-up . sending F4
would be sent too late ! If it would be a GUN Duel. I would be KILLED by
now !
Will try to set it up again this week and reproduce it.
73' Phil VE2FU
From: support-bounces at win-test.com [mailto:support-bounces at win-test.com] On
Behalf Of Bob Wilson, N6TV
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 3:26 AM
To: support at win-test.com
Subject: Re: [WT-support] Experienced delay in software response
undernetwork ...
Are you using a microHAM router or just a simple standalone WinKey2 box?
I had a similar CW sending issue using the WinKey2 in my microHAM MK2R+. I
did not use LiveScore or any Internet access during the contest except for
IonoProbe (HamCap). I didn't try disabling log sync or time distribution,
but there was only one PC active on my home network for the contest.
I am running the MK2R+ with Win2K on an old 600 MHz Pentium III with 384 MB
RAM, which isn't quite what microHAM requries: "The recommended system is a
1.6 GHz PC compatible computer with Windows XP Home or higher, 512 MB RAM."
Occasionally Win-Test / WinKey2 would ignore a CW function key and wouldn't
send any CW at all until I hit the space bar a few times. At other times
there would be a long delay responding to input from the paddles, making it
very difficult to send by hand. Most of the time it was fine, but once in a
while it behaved erratically. I am sorry I cannot figure out the exact
steps required to repeat the issue. Maybe if the USB port is too busy
sending / receiving frequency messages to the radios and other virtual com
ports, it will be too busy to process WinKey messages? WinKey messages
should be top priority, if that's possible. I do use the LPT port pins for
PTT / stereo switching as it works faster then the alternative.
Perhaps timed CQ mode has something to do with this, but I'm not sure. Did
you use the Automatic CQ Repeat (RPT) feature at all? Between repeating
CQs, Win-Test will seem to ignore the CW function keys unless you start
typing letters or numbers or press Escape.
Bob, N6TV
2008/2/18 PO <box640 at sympatico.ca>:
Worked nicely in the ARRL-DX CW contest keying via winkey microkeyer II.
I just want to report this annoying delay in software response under network
... only one computer !
When I change my setup for broadcasting livescore using the network . I
experienced some slow response from the software sending CW Keys.
in an intermittent way, closer to half of a second or more . I had to turn
it off so I could call in a DX pile up :-) !
When I stop broadcasting and checked << disable log synchro. on network >>
and disable << time distribution across the network >>.
No more delays where noticed.
Anything I should have done ?
Thanks for an easy simple software to use.
73' Phil VE2FU
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