[WT-support] Special Initialization strings for radios (and winkey)?

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Fri Dec 5 19:07:03 CET 2008

2008/12/5 Nick F5VIH/SV3SJ <f5vih at sinanis.com>

> Perhaps a new section in wt.ini containing predefined command strings would
> be of help, to avoid cluttering the message entry fields. It would suffice
> then to type in a message window: $RIG1=$CMD_CQMESSAGE or whatever.

It's already there, more or less, in the [MemoryKeyer] section of wt.ini,
for F1-F12.  That's where Win-Test stores the "Additional CW Messages"
[Alt-C].  You can also refer to these as message variables $MSG1 - $MSG12
when programming.  But they only work for CW.  It seems like it would be
easy to rename this window "Additional Messages", and let them be used in
all modes to drive internal voice keyers or other devices.

We do still need a way to program a single-keystroke to send these messages,
instead of having to press [Alt-C] [F1] say.  DEFINEKEYS still doesn't
support this type of two-keystroke remapping, but when it does, we will have
much easier access to anything stored in this little-used message bank.

Bob, N6TV
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