[WT-support] WAE CW: bandmap and QTCs
iz3eyz at virgilio.it
Mon Aug 4 21:53:40 CEST 2008
I know it's late but probably not too late :-)
I would request a feature I already asked and found useful after WAE CW
>rif. http://www.f5mzn.org/pipermail/support/2007-September/074553.html
>3) Feature request: would be nice to have in the band map (being WAE a
>cluster legalized contest) the option to display the dupe qsos from which
>you still need some QTCs without having a crowded list with all invalid
>(Europeans) and the non-Eu dupes from which you already took the 10 QTCs.
>Actually you can check mults only, new qsos, potential qtcs for new
>qsos/mults, or show them all (invalid and dupes with 10qtcs already taken).
>In other words it would be nice to have the so called "potential QTCs"
>option showing both new qsos and dupes from which you 're still looking for
I stay tuned.
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