[WT-support] Keying RTTY by LPT port
Alessio Sacchi
iz4efn at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 01:30:01 CEST 2007
You are right Larry,
but you also need TDLPORTIO.dll as I just figured out.
Will write some considerations for further reference.
These are the files you need to key MMTTY through LPT:
They all need to be in your MMTTY engine folder.
The first two are common, you have them somewhere in your system if you ever
installed the DLPORTIO package (as everyone on W2K and XP).
Extfsk.dll comes from the MMTTY site (and is linked on our wiki).
The last one is the most important. I didn't have it anywhere on my system,
and I just found out that it's a must. That's why the EXTFSK dll couldn't
link to my LPT port.
You can find it (actually, all the 4 files...) in the ExtFskFiles.rar file
of the MMTTY file folder on yahoogroups. Just subscribe to the MMTTY group
and you will be able to download it.
Maybe we should add this suggestion to the wiki in the one-time/interfacing
page (with 2 suggested schematics), and advice on the one-time/RTTY page
that FSK keying is also avaiable via LPT: If you need help with that just
let me know.
2007/9/27, Laurent HAAS - F6FVY <f6fvy at free.fr>:
> Hi Alessio
> Alessio Sacchi a écrit :
> > As far as I see on the web, a lot of guys have it running through LPT
> > port. It should be easy but it's giving me a lot of troubles since also
> > on other computers and OS the LPT option is not avaiable.
> >
> > Will let our community know if I find anything relevant about this
> > issue, but comments are welcome anytime.
> I must confess I don't have any experience in RTTY (to say the least),
> but from I read on the Web, it looks that a copy of DLPORTIO.DLL and
> DLPORTIO.SYS must be in the MMTTY directory to allow EXTFSK to display
> the LPT port in its setup window. Please, ensure it is done.
> 73
> Larry - F6FVY
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