[WT-support] Alphanumerical RST for VHF/UHF
Chris Libowitzky, oe3li
c.libowitzky at kabsi.at
Mon Sep 24 10:14:27 CEST 2007
Dear Olivier,
as Win-Test V 3.16. only accepts numerical RST, I am bringing to your attention:
7.9.9 IARU Region 1 Technical Recommendation R.2
In order to make the indication of special propagation modes possible the Tonality (T)
component of the RST reporting system (the 1-9 scale) will be extended with the following:
"a" For signals distorted by auroral propagation
"s" For signals distorted by "rain-scatter" propagation
"m" for signals distorted by multipath propagation.
(other letters can be added once the need arises)
the IARU contest rules shall be amended in such a way that for telegraphy contacts a
letter may be given in stead of the numbers 1-9 for the tonality report
(see VHF-Handbook V5.21. i.e.
http://www.oevsv.at/export/oevsv/download/UKW/VHF_Handbook_V5_21.pdf )
As some (VHF)Contest programs already accept such RST entries, it would be a benefit,
if Win-Test would follow up.
tks in adv, 73, Chris, oe3li
(cc OE3FKS, OVSV-VHF-Contests)
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