[WT-support] CQWW CW at G5W

Don Beattie g3ozf at btinternet.com
Mon Nov 26 19:26:01 CET 2007

Just to report that Win-Test 3.18 performed well this last weekend. No 
significant issues, although we had an unresolved issue with one of the PCs. 
We ran a 5-PC network, four of the machines were XP and the fifth Win98. The 
Win98 PC ran slower and slower as the contest progressed, and we suspected 
that excessive memory was progressively being used. On one of the XP 
machines we got a Windows message saying that additional memory was being 
assigned to the program. Is there some issue here ? It did not affect the 
contest, but is rather strange.

Like Dave, G3NKC, we had issues with CW, but not, I think, from Win-Test. I 
use an EZMaster on one of the stations (Multi-Single entry here) and the 
speed knob on the EZM is highly erratic. What seems to happen is that the CW 
speed diverges (keyboard vs paddle) until the paddle is some 10 wpm faster 
than the keyboard. Then if you turn the speed knob down a little, the speed 
goes very slow (much slower than that set on the keyboard). The only way to 
synchronise the paddle and keyboard is to use the Ctrl f9/f10 to adjust the 
keyboard, and then to adjust the knob to the same speed (as shown in the 
rate window) before sending any CW. Then it remains stable. But don't try to 
change speed with the knob or the problems start again ! I think this is an 
EZM Firmware problem, but if anyone (including Fabio) knows a fix, please 
let me know. We use a stand-alone WinKey on the mult station, and there is 
no similar problem there.

I have a request that the facility in the radio band map to show mults only 
should be available in the band map as well as the list. At present it is 
only available on the list.I think this would help the clarity of the 

But overall another excellent performance from Win-Test. The networking is 
totally bomb-proof, and the cluster stayed there for 48 hours. Great stuff !


Don, G3BJ (@ G5W)

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