[WT-support] Followup on "Big Insert" key

Nick J. Sinanis F5VIH/SV3SJ f5vih at free.fr
Sun Nov 18 20:22:29 CET 2007

Larry, all,

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY wrote:
> Rather strange, as it even works with people who are using a standard US 
> QWERTY keyboard, and the same keymap (@K3LR for example). Maybe you 
> should try to share ideas with them ?
related to this, I noticed yesterday at the LZDX startup, that ugrading 
from a pre 3.18 version, the numpad's insert key continues to not work 
at least before a rather random combination of fixes like removing any 
predefined keys, changing band(!). I can't tell what was that made the 
insert key working, but for sure it didn't work with just installing 
3.18 and using a qwerty keyboard.

73 Nick

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