[WT-support] TRX-Control falling asleep & Win-Test crashs
Ulrich Hilsinger
dh0ghu at dh0ghu.de
Sat Nov 10 17:39:39 CET 2007
at the moment I have the impression that it is the USB/RS232 interface
which just falls asleep. And this seems to be depending on the USB port
on which I operate it. I will continue to observe it through the rest of
the WAEDC-RTTY. If it occurs again I also will try to update the
Interface driver.
However, the total crash of Win-Test after such a USB/RS232 interface
hang-up is a bit problematic. An error message (e.g. "communication to
Radio 1 lost") would be better than a crash :-).
Ulrich dh0ghu
Ulrich Hilsinger schrieb:
> Hello Olivier,
> thanks for the fast reply.
> The situation is a bit unclear: Sometimes it seems to be a longer time,
> sometimes a shorter one. and I have to correct myself a bit after the
> newest hang-up which occured right now during WAE and during writing
> this email: It now stopped during S&P operation, just few minutes after
> the last QSY.
> Last QSY was around 11:40 UTC, and the error has been visible right now.
> I now opened the Interface Config of Win-Test, and closed it again ->
> Win-Test completely hangs up.
> Closing the program doesn't work, also not through the task-manager
> (neither in the Applications nor in the processes sub-section).
> By the way, this is the first time the error occurs relatively
> short-time after having QSYed on the TRX VFO.
> COM-Port settings are:
> Bits per Second: 9600
> Data bits: 8
> Parity: none
> Stop Bits: 1
> Flow Control: None
> Advanced Com-Port settings are:
> COM Port Number: 5
> USB Transfer Size, Receive and Transmit: 4096 bytes
> BM Options, Latency Timer: 16 msec
> Minimum Read and Write Timeout set to 0
> Misc Options, Serial Enumerator Active,
> Misc Options: Serial Printer; Cancel if power off; Event on surprise
> Removal; Set RTS On Close; Disable Modem Ctrl At Startup: All deactivated
> (those settings are default settings).
> 73,
> Ulrich dh0ghu
> Olivier F5MZN schrieb:
>> Ulrich Hilsinger wrotte:
>>> Hello,
>>> since several contests I have the following problem with several
>>> versions of Win-Test:
>>> After being on a RUN frequency for a longer time, the TRX control
>>> interface (TenTec ORION connected through an USB/RS232 interface using a
>>> FTDI chipset) doesn't react any more (both directions).
>> Hi
>> How long approx. does it work OK before it fails? More than one hour? 10
>> hours? Even more?
>> Tks and 73,
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