[WT-support] Advanced setup network for M2
Zoli Pitman HA1AG
ha1ag at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 7 13:10:44 CET 2007
Hi Matt,
1)These PCs have no internet access, some of them had virus infections
(trojans and worms) and were cleaned up in early Sept.
solution: don't visit pr0n sites during the contest if U cant get orgasmic run rates. Do S&P instead.
> NOD32
> As far as I remember it was reported to me NOD32 was quitted on
late evening when first slowdown signs started to appear. Yes, NOD32
has a
file system real-time scanning but it's vy light. I'm repeating this on
PC with a WT log + WT DXtelnet running open:
> Quittting NOD32 it keeps NOD32KRN.EXE (user name SYSTEM) which has 0%
usage and 4.5MB memory usage. NOD32KUI.EXE also joins with NOD32
running (0%
CPU usage and 756 KB memory usage). I did that on a P IV here, 2ghz,
RAM. Both WT tools don't have more than 2-3% CPU usage. Memory usage is
line with your qso nr parameters.
Even right now I have a lot of other tasks running like Skype, MSN,
internet, etc and NOD32 CPU usage keeps low as usually, mostly 0 and
working it stays at 2/3% most of the time.
be careful with NOD32. I had very similar symptoms on the HG6N PC's during RDXC 2006 after I attempted to
stop its agent before the contest as general prep. It caused serious
shit to the PC (crappy CW, slow response times even on menues) and CPU utilization was sky high. I uninstalled NOD32 and rebooted which solved the problem. Maybe NOD32 was spending too much time inspecting all the contest log packets ?or some of its services were still running and searching for some of its components. just guessing...
btw, we ran 3.17 at HG6N and experienced no problems whatsoever with WT except it did not serve us coffee. (Each of the 3 PCs were connected to different clusters, P4 1.2G's with 512 MB RAM and W98 minimum install) we did no time distribution via the network, we rather run a small NSTP client on all PCs which synced the PCs to an internet time source every hour.
73 ee
zoli ha1ag
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