[WT-support] QSO number with the second radio
f6ify at free.fr
Tue May 29 22:02:44 CEST 2007
Win-test is really a must, not any glitch during the WPX (apart the
die of one amplifier but I don't think it is software related), thanks
again to the great development team, even the MK2R protocol I used seems
all ok.
Now my question:
After the contest, is there a possibility to count the number of QSO
done with the second radio in the SO2R mode, just to evaluate the
progress we could make (finally, the little finger on the left shift key
is not so bad).
I know that in the cabrillo file the reserved raio number column (0/1)
is just set in M/2 setting and is not useful for others categories apart
the curiosity of the ops.
73 - Philippe F6IFY (was TM3C last week-end)
P.S.: I suffered also about the PTT tail length to long. I didn't
realize I can change it in the microHam MK2R/Winkey2 configuration
program, I looked for it in the Win-test configuration. Not related with
the PTT done by Win-test in the com-port.
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