[WT-support] RSGB NFD CW..2/3 June...?
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Tue May 22 14:17:08 CEST 2007
Hi Nigel
Nigel G3TXF a écrit :
> Yes, it would really be much appreciated by the growing number of Win-Test
> users in the UK if you could include the RSGB CW Field Day contest. [Many
> thanks to Doug GM0ELP for passing along the scoring details.]
> Our next RSGB CW Field is at the beginning of the June, i.e at the end of
> next week! We'd really love to use a fully scoring version of Win-Test if it
> could be available in time. If not, we'll still use Win-Test, but in WPX-CW
> mode and do the scoring ourselves manually afterwards.
It *is* now implemented in the CW leg of the FD IARU Rgn1 RSGB contest.
Please read the release file of the current version (3.11.0), which has
been released Friday.
Larry - F6FVY
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