[WT-support] Band map information and spectrum displays
Toby Deinhardt
dj7mgq at muenchen-mail.de
Fri May 11 21:05:11 CEST 2007
I am wonering if there is a possibility to get the 'spotting and band
map information' after filtering by WinTest from WinTest.
The reason I ask, it might be interesting to impose the stations,
which WinTest displays in the band map together with their attributes
such as "isMulti" on a real time rx spectrum display of the band which
the radio is using. Even more so, if one can use such a display to see
if QSYing to another band is worth while, before actually going to
another band.
The log itsself can not be read by third party software, because the
format of the log can be changed at any time, if I correctly remember
some of the discussions here on the list. Maybe WinTest could offer a
stable format for transfering band map information.
An alternative might be a method of sending real time spectrum
information to WinTest for use in the band map window.
vy 73 de toby
DD5FZ, 4N6FZ (ex dj7mgq, dg5mgq, dd5fz)
K2 #885, K2/100 #3248
K3/100 #??? (< #200)
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