[WT-support] WT and the 10-minutes-rule
Rudolf Schwenger
rudolf.schwenger at t-online.de
Mon Mar 12 11:32:34 CET 2007
Dear WT development team,
the RDXC rules stipulate a 10-minutes-rule in the multi op classes. My understanding of the 10-minutes-rule is that you *must* stay at least for 10minutes on any chosen band before you may qsy to - more precisely transmit - on any other band, unless you work on another band respectively other bands one or more new multiplier(s). Furthermore it is my understanding that the 10 minutes period starts from the moment I have logged the first contact on another band, irrespective of whether that first contact has been a new multiplier or not, i.e. if I have worked 4 new multipliers on a new band within say 6 minutes and then work on that same band another station which is not a new multiplier, then I am only compelled to stay on that new band for another 4 minutes and not for 10 minutes.
Let's analyse what happens in WT V 3.8.6 and compare the results to what I believe should have happened in the status window:
QSO Band Time Call DX Obl "QSY" in "QSY" in Remarks
number status WD status WD
actual expected
1 20 00.00 UA9A C O 10:00 nothing
2 20 00.01 UA3A C O 9:00 nothing
3 20 00.02 DL1A C 8:00 nothing
4 20 00.03 I3A C 7:00 nothing
5 20 00.04 EA8A C 6:00 nothing
6 20 00.05 RV1Z O 5:00 nothing
7 20 00.06 DL1B 4:00 4.00
8 20 00.07 UA3C 3:00 3.00
9 15 00.08 UA9A C O 10:00 nothing
10 15 00.09 DL1C C 9:00 nothing
11 15 00.10 OZ1A C 8:00 nothing
12 15 00.11 DL1D //// FAULT I only spent 7 minutes on 20m instead of the required min 10 minutes; QSO does not count for me!
13 20 00:12 I3B 10:00 2.00 minutes
14 20 00:13 EI7M C 9.00 1.00 minutes
15 20 00:14 DL1E 8.00 nothing The10 minutes on 20m are over; I am free to qsy to wherever I want. WT says I need to stay
16 15 00.15 I3C C 10:00 nothing
17 15 00.16 I3D 9:00 9.00 minutes
18 10 00.17 I3D C 10:00 nothing
19 10 00.18 UA9A C O 9:00 nothing
20 15 00:19 F5A C 10:00 8.00 minutes Since I have already spent 2 minutes on 15 for QSOs 16 and 17
21 40 00.20 DL1A C 10:00 nothing
22 40 00.21 I3A C 9:00 nothing
23 15 00.22 EA8A C 10:00 7.00 minutes Yes, it's a new multi, but the base band is 15 where I have not yet completed the 10 minutes stretch
24 10 00.23 DL1A C 10:00 nothing
25 10 00.24 DL1F 9:00 FAULT I only spent 3 minutes on 15 in this 15m-session; QSO does not count for me
26 40 00.25 F5A C 10:00 nothing
Discussion of results: (a) It is a matter of taste, whether the counter should be visible as long as there is no problem. I would prefer not to see it as long as everything is ok, but the way it works is also ok. For the first 11 QSOs the results are as expected. The fault in QSO number 12 is correctly detected by WT, however, I get the full 2- point-credit for the QSO, which I believe is a mistake, since number 12 is an "illegal" QSO. (b) For QSO number 13 the counter should not start all over again at 10 minutes, since I have not correctly completed the first session on 20m, i.e. in my mind the counter should continue to count for only another 2 minutes left over from the previous 20m session. It appears to me that the faulty QSO number 12 wipes out whatever happend before, which I believe not to be correct. Following that logic, the timing attached to QSOs number 14 and 15 is wrong (c) QSOs 16 to 19 are ok, but again, I don't see a reason, why the counter starts at 10 minutes for QSO number 20, since I have just been on 10m in order to work multis only. In other words: "Basically" I am still on 15m and therefore the counter should continue to monitor my 15m activity only. (d) QSOs number 21 and 22 are ok, but again for the very same reason I disagree to the reset of the timer for QSO number 23; "basically" I am still on 15m....(e) QSO number 25 is not a new multiplier, therefore - since I have not yet spent the required 10 minutes for the second 15m session, QSO number 25 in my mind is "illegal" and should not be credited with any points, however, it's neither marked as faulty nor is the 2-point credit withdrawn by WT (f) QSO 26 is ok.
>From the above I can only conclude that either my understanding of the "10-minutes-rule" is wrong or that the implementation of the "10-minutes-rule" into WT is faulty.
Can anybody help me with the correct understanding of the "10-minutes-rule" and subsequently - should my understanding be correct, respectively should the consensus be different from what has been implemented in WT - could the WT-development-team please correct the implementation until Friday??
Thanks in advance de Rudy, DJ3WE
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