[WT-support] add VHF-UHF contest
IZ4EFN Alessio
iz4efn at libero.it
Fri Mar 9 08:49:09 CET 2007
Olivier F5MZN ha scritto:
> OK1HMP - Martin Prokop wrote:
>> Sri, correct link is http://www.ok1kpa.com/pa/rules.pdf
>> 73 Martin OK1HMP
>>> Hi WinTest developer team,
>>> please, would be added OK activity VHF&UHF contest?
>>> Rules: http://ok1kpa.com/pa/rules.pdf
>>> and transverter support?.
> Why not, if there is enough users interested in.
> BTW I donot understand the scoring "in the next WWLs zones will be
> calculated 1 point more then in the previous zone".
> 73,
Just to report that this scoring method is not uncommon: there is a
minor VHF Contest in Italy called "Lombardia Contest" (roules only in
italian here: http://www.arilissone.org/regolamento.html).
Here the scoring is the following: each QSO with a station in your same
square counts as 1 point. If he is in one of the 8 adjacent squares it
counts as 2 points, and so on.
They also provide a software to manage the contest (SO far from wt)
where this scoring method is implemented. I think it's based on a vector
comparation and "tresholdings" between the two gridsquares.
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