[WT-support] SCP files
f6fvy at free.fr
f6fvy at free.fr
Thu Jun 14 10:53:09 CEST 2007
Hi Patrick, Doug, and all
Quoting Patrick 9A5CW <pat.9a5cw at gmail.com>:
> Hello, just to inform you and other WT users... i have made with simple PERL
> script databases what I need for VHF contesting... (tnx Larry)
> manual.pdfhelps a lot... there are few examples how to make a DTB and
> SCP file, read
> the man.
> Here is a link where u can find VHF.dtb large abt 2Mb with default.scp... i
> didnt count how many callsigns are inside ;) Try it, test it ... if is
> something wrong send me a note.
> Database is large because there are 65000 diferent VHF callsigns mostly used
> on VHF around the world.
> www.9a1p.com/9a5cw/vhfdtb.exe ziped exe file!
Also, FYI, the SCP files are plain text with one callsign per line. It means you
can easily build them with an appropriate text editor (read : with a vertical
selection ability) from Cabrillo files. Ordering and dupes are managed by WT.
You only need to remove the extra spaces chars, if any.
Larry - F6FVY
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