[WT-support] Happy IOTA user....
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Sun Jul 29 23:37:16 CEST 2007
Hi Nigel
Nigel G3TXF a écrit :
> However I have one small query. Four exclamation marks (i.e "!!!!")
> often appeared in the Mult Column. Was this a subtle warning that I was
> doing something wrong, e.g that I was wasting my time working stations
> who were already Mults? Or was it some other special WT feature, the
> purpose of which I do not yet know.
You're right. It indicates that you worked a station whose multiplier
was already worked. Of course, it is only displayed if you are acting as
a multiplying station (= your "station type" is MULT). If the rules of
the contest do not require this "mult" station to work ONLY new mults,
then, you must set the station type to RUN + SUPPORT, and the warning
will disappear.
Larry - F6FVY
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