[WT-support] WT 3.13.0 is out
J. Edward (Ed) Muns
w0yk at msn.com
Tue Jul 24 00:15:08 CEST 2007
Olivier, does this include the legal dupe rule for NA Sprint RTTY?
Ed - W0YK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: support-bounces at win-test.com
> [mailto:support-bounces at win-test.com] On Behalf Of Olivier F5MZN
> Sent: Monday, 23 July, 2007 15:11
> To: WT
> Subject: [WT-support] WT 3.13.0 is out
> Dear Win-Test users,
> We are pleased to announce the new version 3.13.0, which
> comes with many internal modifications. It can be a good idea
> to give it a try before the next week end if you plan to take
> part to the IOTA with.
> You will see that a S&P feature (mainly for CW and SSB) is
> now available. In addition, the NA Sprint contest is now
> supported (special thanks to N6TV). And many other features
> and bugfixes!
> No "update" version is provided this time again. Please
> download and install the full version. This does not change
> anything for you but the size of the installation package
> which is a bit larger.
> Version 3.13.0 is available for download from:
> http://download.win-test.com/wt-3.13.0.exe
> Please read the following release notes to see what's news in.
> 73 de Olivier / f5mzn
> Release notes, version 3.13.0 (Jul 23, 2007)
> - CAUTION: New network protocol version 1.20 released
> Reminder: If you use WT in a networked environment, you must have
> the same WT version on all machines!
> - The generated CABRILLO files for both CQWW DX and WPX are now in
> the CABRILLO V3 Format.
> - Cabrillo V3 (in addition to Cabrillo V2) can be imported.
> - NAQP fields reorganized. Unfortunately, this inverted the "OP name"
> and "State/Province/Country" field in the WTB binary file. It means
> that if you open an old NAQP file done with Win-Test, the "OP name"
> and "State/Province/Country" will be on the wrong places. There is
> a workaround if you want to open an old NAQP file with the latest
> version of Win-Test: revert to an old WT version and generate a
> Cabrillo file from it. Then install again the latest
> Win-Test version,
> and import the generated Cabrillo. My apologies for these troubles
> but it was making sense to invert these fields in order to be more
> efficient with that contest, as well as with NA Sprint, NCCC...
> which share some of the same code.
> - NA Sprint contest added. Log for the contest sponsor is generated
> using the CABRILLO V3 specifications. Note that the State/Province
> will contain DX for non-US/VE stations whatever the operator logged
> in the field. Tks W0YK, N5KO, K3LR, N6TV and others.
> - Added support of the new TenTec Omni VII radio, which is actually
> based on the Jupiter command sets.
> - Added a Search & Pounce Operating Mode feature in order to have
> two different sets of CW/RTTY messages: one when running, and one
> when searching multipliers.
> The Run and S&P sets of messages are editable in the "Messages" Tab
> of the "Standard CW/RTTY Messages Configuration..." window.
> Use CTRL+TAB to switch between RUN and S&P mode on the
> Primary Radio.
> The status of this mode is shown in the clock window. To change the
> mode of the Secondary Radio Window, use either SHIFT+CTRL+TAB or a
> mouse click on the appropriate control in the Secondary
> Radio Window.
> It is possible to configure WT to automatically wipe the logged QSO
> or populate the Band Map when the operator changes the radio
> frequency, as soon as the Search & pounce mode is activated on that
> radio. This can be configurated from the "Band Map Properties"
> (right click in the Band Map windows).
> NB: Search & Pounce is not activated by default. This can be done
> in the menu "Tools | Data Entry | Search and Pounce".
> - The $QSOB4 content macro can be redefined in the "Options" Tab of
> the "Standard CW/RTTY Messages Configuration..." window. That macro
> doesn't support any variable in, except $MYCALL. Tks N6TV.
> - "Sprint Logic" feature added. Applicable in the EU Sprint, NA
> Sprint and the NCCC Sprint contests. When activated, WT
> decides which
> INSERT CW/RTTY Message must be sent according to the "Rcvd QSO
> Number" field.
> When that field is empty, WT assumes that the operator just called
> CQ, and then sends the INSERT message of the "RUN" mode.
> When that field is not empty, WT assumes that the operator just
> replyed to a CQ, and then sends the INSERT message of the "S&P"
> mode.
> This feature can be enbled/disabled in the "Options" Tab of the
> "Standard CW/RTTY Messages Configuration..." window. Other
> contests are not affected by this option.
> Tks N6TV, K3LR, K0XP, N2NL and many others.
> - New option to "Stay in Field when moving in the log", in order
> to avoid having the cursor always back on the callsign field.
> Option is in menu "Option | Log".
> - Summary wnd (Alt-S) : New option to include or not the dupes in
> the QSO counts and the avg calculations.
> - REG1TEST files : The New Country flag in VHF+ contests is now
> set in an appropriate manner. Tnx HB9DFD.
> - QSO deletion : The warning message is now more informative.
> Tnx N6TV.
> - Bugfix: In the specific case where one was operating a contest
> with a separate serial number per band, changing band on the
> Secondary Radio when the cursor was not in the last position
> of the log in the Primary Radio, the serial number set for the
> Secondary Radio might be wrong. Fixed.
> - Bugfix: The Precedence field were not corrected in the log when
> modified in a previous logged QSO. Fixed.
> - Bugfix: The Multiplier window was always showing DXCC for all
> bands, even for a contest which the band doesn't care in for
> DXCC multipliers. Fixed. Tks N6TV.
> - Bugfix : The INVENTORY command was filtered by WtTunnelSrv and
> could only be used within a LAN. Tnx F6IFY.
> - Bugfix : Internal CW generator : Under certain circumstances, the
> inter characters space was dropped. Tnx TA2RC, OH2UA.
> - Bugfix : Log display : When working CW or RTTY, a 5-char received
> exchange was truncated. Tnx F5HRY/TM0HQ.
> - Bugfix : When using Ctrl-K to delete characters behind the cursor
> in CW, and under other certain circumstances, $LOGGED was not
> updated. Tnx N6TV, CT1BOH.
> - Bugfix : Under certain circumstances there was no separator space
> between zones in the Alt-Z wnd, when marks were displayed.
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