[WT-support] Can you do this already?
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Wed Jul 18 07:56:11 CEST 2007
Hi Fabio
HRS I4UFH a écrit :
> Does your Rotators Control include also the discussed issue of Switching
> different antennas on a same band, with a sort of CTRL 0-9 or best related
> to the call edited in the call field :) ??
> This a 2 year long discussion with Oliver each time we meet in Germany !!!
> The main idea is to drive an external device ( EZMaster or parallel port pin
> or, other devices ) that can switch in a easy way several antennas in a
> defined band. Both in manual and automatic mode.
> This could be a row/column table where you select the output that you want
> to open/close ( the antenna ) and the degrees of the beaming of this
> antenna, so you can manually select the antenna with suggested CTRL 0-9
> keys, or using the beaming information switching the proper antenna related
> to the call ( after the country ackwoledge ). Great tool for stations with
> fixed antennas in different directions tha nned to have a external manual
> control box to do that ...
I can't speak for Olivier, but IMHO this kind of feature is "nice", but
totally counter-productive :
1/ It means that when using this feature, you will hv to use the
shortcut (Ctrl-# or other) everytime you want to change direction. It is
much more advisable to use a rotary switch which permits you in one
gesture (meaning 180° max. wrist rotation) to do that. And, on the other
hand (pun intended) you can still enter callsign with your left hand,
and switch antenna with the right hand. Try to enter a callsign while
switching 2 or 3 antennas with Ctrl-#, now...
2/ Now, the "auto-selection" by callsign. I'm in the middle of a heavy
pile-up, and hear "Japan Alpha", I enter. The JA antenna is
automatically switched. "Japan Alpha Five Nine Fifteen !". Sssshhhh...
"Japan Alpha Five Nine Fifteen !" What the hell ? Back the US beam
(manually) "Japan Alpha Five Nine Fifteen !" "Roger - Kilowatt Four
Japan Alpha - Five Nine Five"... You see the point ?
Honestly, the good old rotary switch under the right hand is the best
way to switch antennas and being productive. Not very high technologic
stuff but highly efficient !
> Yes I know may be a need for fews ... but this is the must of WT have
> features that other one don't have ... and this could be one !!!
Not so convinced ;-)
See you in Germany in 2008 ;-)
Larry - F6FVY
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