[WT-support] Exchange guessing tab position
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Jan 15 15:40:03 CET 2007
Hi Chris
Chris Tran a écrit :
> When using Data entry > Exchange Guessing > Automatically, I found that
> if the Zone was incorrect (mostly with U.S. stations)
FYI, you can use the CTY_WT_MOD.DAT country file maintained by F5IN
which uses the US prefix callsigns zone distribution (3, 4 or 5). Even
if it is not always accurate (to say the least), it sometimes helps.
> when you hit the
> Space Bar to move the cursor to the Rcvd field, the cursor goes to the
> left-hand of the 2 numbers (e.g. under the 0 of 04) instead of to under
> the *right-hand* of the 2 numbers - this means an extra keystroke is
> needed to move to where the correction has to be made.
TBH, we choosed to be consistant on this for all zones (and all contests
managed by WT) and set the cursor on the above position.
Also, FYI, if you enter a one-digit zone, WT will autocomplete it with a
leading zero. This also works for other contests when a serial number is
required by adding one or two leading zeroes as required.
> WinTest is great - much better than N1MM, Writelog, etc...
Tnx for the kind words.
Larry - F6FVY
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