[WT-support] problem with serialnumber

David H. Walker k0cop at onlymyemail.com
Sun Feb 11 14:18:26 CET 2007

check how you are sending the commands. Looks like maybe you should have 
$on the front and back of the command. Usually there is a problem in 
this department.. At least for me HI.

Göran wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Just wanted to try WT in RTTY for the first time and make a few qsos 
> in the wpx contest.
> Everythings works fine with MMTTY but just can not get the $SERIAL 
> command to send a serialnumber!
> What am I doing wrong? It keys the call and RST and goes back to receive.
> $RST $SERIAL K becomes just 599 K
> Noone else has mentioned this so it must be a stupid mistake I am 
> doing somewhere??
> Goran SM4DHF
> SJ4F – SM4F
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David H. Walker
k0cop at onlymyemail.com

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