[WT-support] KC1XX turns down win-test

Bob Raymond, WA1Z bob at wa1z.net
Mon Dec 10 13:52:45 CET 2007

Hi Larry,

>>I understand *your* point at KC1XX, but *we* must also consider the
entire population of Win-Test users.

Absolutely.  I am also a professional software developer and I understand 
your point.

>>The mouse is just much more flexible. I don't say we will never implement 
>>this. I just say we have to consider it in a *general* manner. We always 
>>considered the CT "compatibility" as
an inspiration, and not always an endpoint to reach.

>> Tnx for your other reports which are noted.

Fair enough;  thank you for considering each topic!

Happy Holidays to all and 73,
Bob WA1Z

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