[WT-support] [Fwd: suggestion: supervisor window]
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Sun Dec 2 08:44:20 CET 2007
See http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Menu:Windows#Statistics
Though not shown in the referenced Wiki page, the Continents tab in the
Statistics Window (Ctrl-F9) has a lot of display options that give you most
of what you want. Right click then select Band | Detailed and Mode |
Detailed and it breaks it all down by continent, band, and mode.
See also http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Menu:Windows#Rate
Right click on the rate window and select Display | Instant continents
Bob, N6TV
On Dec 1, 2007 11:57 AM, Eric Scace K3NA <eric at k3na.org> wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: suggestion: supervisor window
> Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2007 14:42:28 -0500
> From: Eric Scace K3NA <eric at k3na.org>
> Reply-To: eric at k3na.org
> To: Win-Test <support at win-test.com>
> Hello --
> I am co-leading the VP6DX expedition, together with Carsten DL6LAU.
> We wonder if it is possible to add a feature to WinTest that
> summarizes important information to manage the on-air operations.
> To deliver a good DXpedition experience to DXers everywhere, it is
> important for the operating team to achieve some balance; for example,
> -- about equal number of QSOs with the main ham radio regions on each
> band: Europe, North America and Asia.
> -- good balance between CW, voice, and digital QSOs for each region on
> each band.
> -- to the extent permitted by propagation, about equal QSOs on each
> band for each region.
> To achieve these goals, operators and DXpedition management must know
> the current situation during the operation. For example, if 15m has
> less QSOs with Europe than with North America or Asia, the team must
> focus on 15m operating when the band is open to Europe. If SSB QSOs
> with Europe on 15m are much lower than CW QSOs, then the team should
> focus on SSB operating when the band is open to Europe.
> Similarly, the team should understand how each station is going at the
> moment: is the rate good on that band? Are the needed regions being
> worked successfully?
> To help clarify this idea, I have a PDF available with a more detailed
> description of a
> "supervisor window", as it would be used on an expedition. This reflector
> robot found it too long at 92kB, so interested people should contact me
> directly for a copy.
> Do you think this is possible?
> No other logging software has this capability, so it could be a unique
> advantage for WinTest (at least for DXpeditions).
> Thank you for considering this idea.
> 73,
> -- Eric K3NA
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