[WT-support] Swap VFO A/B command?
Bob Wilson, N6TV
n6tv at arrl.net
Thu Aug 9 23:39:24 CEST 2007
I know that Ctrl-S and the SWAP command will swap VFOs between two radios
But is there any way to get Win-Test to swap VFO A and B on the same
radio (swap
VFO with SUB VFO), like pressing the [A<>B] button on the rig? I could not
find anything in the docs.
This would be useful in at least two situations:
1. SO-A with one radio:
1. You are running stations on CW (CQing)
2. A new mult. is spotted (perhaps on SSB)
3. Right click on band map and select "Pass frequency to Sub
4. When the timing is just right, swap VFO A/B
5. Work the mult.
6. Swap VFO A/B and resume running
7. (Maybe there is an easier way to do this already; I almost
never use spotting)
2. NA Sprint, EU Sprint and NCCC Sprint:
1. Call CQ on VFO A
2. Work a station. You must now QSY +/- 5 kHz minimum to call
CQ again (NA Sprint rules)
3. Press Swap VFO A/B to quickly QSY to a frequency at last 5
kHz away
4. If freq. clear, call CQ again. If not, work someone and then
call CQ (you get the freq.)
5. Log QSO(s)
6. Press Swap VFO A/B to quickly QSY back to the first
frequency, from step 1, where there will be a new station to work now
7. Repeat.
Too bad Ctrl-S, Alt-S, [>], and [<] are already in use. Win-Test is running
out of hot keys! :-)
Maybe Shift-[Right Arrow] and Shift-[Left Arrow] and a SWAPAB command could
be used for Swap VFO A/B?
A new message variable like $SWAPAB would also be nice. One could add it to
the [+] key in the Sprints, like this:
Of course Win-Test must send the "TU" and log the QSO, before swapping the
Would anyone else like to see a swap VFO A/B feature in Win-Test?
Bob, N6TV
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