[WT-support] WAE closing the QTC-window without the mouse?

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Wed Aug 8 13:19:32 CEST 2007

Hi Andy

andreas.hahn at de.sauter-bc.com a écrit :

> is it possible to insert the received datas of a QTC without using the 
> mouse?
> call the window with ALT-L is okay, jumping between the fields using the 
> TAB, too. But closing the window with automatic saving and go the next 
> QSO.....?

The + key closes the QTC entry dialog (assuming all field are correctly 
filled - and related to the Gr/Num entered). The "Validate" button 
allows to save the QTC data in other cases. Alt-L allows to quit the 
entry dialog without saving (this last action can be cancelled).


Larry - F6FVY

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