[WT-support] WT 3.15.0 available
Olivier F5MZN
olecam at f5mzn.org
Wed Aug 8 10:22:45 CEST 2007
Win-Test v 3.15.0 is available. We have done many change in the WAE
contests (especially for the RTTY support). If you take part to the
coming WAE CW contest, please make sure to have version 3.14.0 available
in order to downgrade to this version if there is problems! Also, don't
forget to configure an automatic backup!
Please read the release notes below!
http://download.win-test.com/wt-3.15.0.exe [full, 6.9 MB]
http://download.win-test.com/wt-3.15.0-update.exe [update only, 2.2MB]
73 de Olivier / f5mzn
Release notes 3.15.0 (Aug 8, 2007)
- New set of CW/RTTY variables dedicated to the WAE
Receive QTC window:
$MYCALL: Send my callsign
$VALID: Save everything and close the window
$QTC: Send <group>/<number>
$NEXT: Move focus to the next QTC line
Transmit QTC window:
$MYCALL: Send my callsign
$VALID: Save everything and close the window
$QTC: Send <group>/<number>
$NEXT: Move focus down to the next QTC line
$13: Send carriage return character (specific to RTTY)
$TIME: Send time of the current QTC
$CALLSIGN: Send callsign of the current QTC
$SERIAL: Send serial number of the current QTC
$DONE: If all QTC are sent: mimic the + key
$SERIE: Send the QTC serie (specific to RTTY)
- The CW/RTTY messages specific to the WAE contest (QTC
Receive/Transmit) windows can now be redefined in the menu
"Options | CW/RTTY | Modify WAE messages...".
It is also possible to modify the label texts of the buttons for
both the "QTC Transmit" and the "QTC Receive" windows. The variable
$QTC can be used and will be replaced by the appropriate QTC
group/number in the "QTC Transmit" window.
- RTTY leg of the WAE contest now supported in beta test.
QTC groups and series will be highlighted in the RTTY window.
Assuming you receive the following sequence:
QTC: 65/2 QTC: 65/2
First click on one of the highlighted "QTC: 65/2": this will
automatically open the "QTC Receive" window and fill the
QTC group field.
Then click on each QTC serie highlighted lines. Again, they
will be passed automatically to the "QTC Receive" window.
- Sub VFO programming from the bandmap: added for Tentec Orion, FT-2000,
- SWAP Radios feature rewritten. To be tested with various rigs!
- CW-Reverse mode added for some Radios:
- Orion
- All kenwood Radios supporting CW-Reverse
- All radios using a Kenwood-based protocol which are supporting
CW-Reverse (Elecraft, SDR-1000).
- All Icom which are supporting CW-Reverse.
- FT-1000MP/MkV, FT-2000, FTDX-9000
Other rigs can be considered as far as the protocol can handle it.
Please tell us!
There is no setting in WT in order to enable/disable this feature.
Just set the CW Reverse on the radio, WT will remember that setting
for the next time the mode must be programmed onto the radio.
- ARRL Field Day: LOG layout reorganized.
- FT-1000MP: RIT is cleared but status is preserved when frequency
change. Tks N6TV.
- V/UHF and 50/70/V/UHF contests with gridsquares as mults and one
point per QSO. Tnx G4HSU & G4PIQ.
- Bugfix: In the WAE contest, opening the QTC Receive/Transmit window
was not working as expected. Fixed. Tks IZ3EYZ.
- Bugfix: Polling Rate Combo Box of the "Interface Configuration"
window was empty. Fixed.
- Bugfix: Transmitting status in the Secondary Radio fixed in
RTTY mode. Tested with no SO2R interface.
- Bugfix: Selecting a single non-alphanumeric in the RTTY windows
issued a in crash. Fixed. Tks DL6RAI.
- Bugfix: The CQ repeat mode was not activated when clicking on the
"F1" button of the RTTY wnd. Fixed. Tks VE2FWW.
- Bugfix: Under certain circonstances, a dupe QSO was not credited to
0 point in both NCCC Sprint and NA RTTY Sprint contests. Tks N6TV.
- Bugfix: FT-2000 / FT-9000, the active VFO in WT was thrall to the
to RX VFO of the radio. Correct way is to thrall the TX VFO of the
radio. Fixed. Tks G4IRN.
- Bugfix: VFO B programming of the Orion fixed. In addition, a timer
now ensures to always wait at least 100ms between each commands
sending. Tks SM6CNN.
- Bugfix: NAQP, NA Sprint and NCCC: Database Updates was saving
the OP Name insteed of the State/Province/Country. Fixed. Tks N6TV.
- Bugfix: ARRL Field Day: ARRL/RAC official sections modified
according to the rules. Tks VE3SY, 9A5CW, N6TV.
- Bugfix: in RTTY, QSOB4 was not working anymore. Fixed. Tks IN3JJI.
- Bugfix : All V/UHF contests : A QSO with own callsign gave one
- Bugfix : CW smartcorrect : Text commands are ignored now. Tnx N6TV.
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