[WT-support] Question
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Sat Aug 4 13:38:13 CEST 2007
Hi Andre et al.
f5ukl a écrit :
> 1- Do you think to implement Memorial Marconi HF in WT?
I personaly wasn't aware the existence of this contest. It looks
feasible (no QTC, no exotic dupe processing... ;-)). We'll check that in
time (the 2007 edition was in June AFAIK).
> 2- I created a "Name.xdt" file and It works fine in contest. I try to
> find the way to use the variable in a CW message (ie) GD dear "Andre" ur
> rst 599. (f5ukl andre in Name.xdt file). I often read help about "extra
> information" but no way, It don't work!
Just tested and "it works for me" (TM).
1/ Check you have a variable name definition in your extra data file, like :
2/ To confirm the variable is taken into account by WT, you can display
it in the Extra info wnd (contextual menu). BTW, you can also add a
title to these data with a line similar to :
# TITLE Name
3/ Use $OPNAME (the variable you defined in step 1/) in the CW message.
Note that you can easily display the extra data automatically (meaning
on-the-fly with no need to press the space key to make it updated),
with an appropriate choice in the contextual menu.
4/ Finally, the CW variable substitution is *only* processed in the
internal CW generation (LPT or COM pin CW output) as mentionned in the
release file (3.2.0 (Aug 30, 2006)). Currently, it is not implemented
for WinKey or other interfaces.
Laurent - F6FVY
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