[WT-support] A couple of SSB things
Olivier F5MZN
olecam at f5mzn.org
Sat Aug 4 12:08:22 CEST 2007
Toni Lindén wrotte:
> A couple of SSB things before EUHFC...
> 1) I don´t know if this is WT or MK2R+ issue, but there´s some small
> delay in opening the mic line for recording. It appears so that if I´m trying to
> make kind of a quick SSb message (like TU), I´m missing the begging of
> the message. This delay between REC on and MIC on is something like
> 200ms or so and I haven´t been able to adjust it from router or WT.
Which SSB keyer? The router one or the WT one? After some exchanges with
Jozef OM7ZZ, we together came to a agrement that best way is to use the
router one.
> 2) I know this was asked already earlier, but can´t find any solution
> for this one:
> I´m not able to send MK2R DVK message while pressing PTT. This is really
> annoying because I´d like to send the exchange from DVK. Now I have to press
> footswich and say the callsing, release footswich and press INS. This
> makes a big
> delay for sending the exchange or the exhange is not played at all if
> haven´t released the footswich before pressing INS.
I don't know for MK2R, but I have about the same problem with my
EZMaster. There is nothing I can do for that at the software side (at
least with the EZMaster firmware I have, I didn't try yet with a new
one, if any). I agree that it is a quite annoying!
> It´d be great is this works so that so that I can at least select as
> an option that
> - DVK message is played even if footswich is pressed
> - Footswich and DVK messages would be chain able so that when I release the
> footswich the DVK message is played
IMO, both PTT would be totally separate, in order to release the
footswitch at any time. This is the better way to avoid any delay. My
0,01 €!
Olivier / f5mzn
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