[WT-support] wintest and WAE RTTY

Olivier F5MZN olecam at f5mzn.org
Thu Aug 2 23:50:35 CEST 2007

Hello again,

Thanks to the first reports posted by Philippe and Noël, I have fixed 
some bugs which will be included in the next nightly snapshot (usually 
available around 4 UTC).


- CQ repeat when clicking on the "F1" button of the RTTY wnd (VE2FWW)

- UP and DOWN keys work again (F6FVY)

- Available QTC in bandmap for station from the same continent (F6IFY)

- & character was not displayed in button labels (QTC Transmit dlg)

- Clicking on a callsign, a time or a serial number during reception
   of QTC is now recognized. The information is then automatically
   copied into the QTC Receive dlg. (F6IFY).

End of 3.15.0-dev1

Thanks and 73,
Olivier / f5mzn
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