[WT-support] Win-test and RTTY

Kenth Johansson sm6dyk at telia.com
Tue Sep 26 16:48:52 CEST 2006

  GM4FDM wrote
  I waas going to try this last weekend during CQWW RTTY but I found a problem

  Maybe its just me.

  When I run win-teat - the MMTTY tx/rx screen came up OK and I was abl;e to see my tuning screen and
  outgoing tuning signal but i could not
  see the receive screen.    I could not read what people were sending to me.....

  where have I gone wrong?

  You have to install the rx window. In WT - windows click on RTTY (radio1). If you have done that, check to close Check partial and N+1 windows. I have the receive window upper left and theese windows cover my rx window if they are up. When you have the rx window on the screen you have to expand it down and to the right to get the F1-F7 and alt-K keys to be visible.

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