[WT-support] WAE SSB notes
Zoli Pitman HA1AG
ha1ag at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 15 13:23:26 CEST 2006
> 1. There is definitely a bug with MP STORE-RECALL
> buttons. Whenever I use the RECALL button to go to stored
> frequency the frequency display on RADIO 1 window freezes
> or starts to lie and only by clicking on the display and
> making the radio go to this falsely indicated frequency
> gets the CAT hooked again. It caused me to log several
> QSOs on the wrong band. Can anybody think of what the
> problem might be??
Dunnno Tonno what it cud be but QMB-driven freq change
works ok in CAT. There are a few minor issues with memory
stack management (the double stack per band of the MP) but
IMO these are minor issues with easy workaround on op side.
I have tried it on a 96 and a 99 vintage MP here.
73, zoli ha1ag
> 2. In ALT-L window would have been nice to be able to use
> a selected message after entering every QTC QSO like "R"
> in CW. I could just define somewhere which of the 7
> messages if any could be used.
> And I try again a question that was not answered:
> How am I supposed to use $CR in SSB? I can not write it
> into messages. Only in Scenarios and it does not seem to
> work in scenarios. No Enter gets activated when I wrote
> it in there... Thus can't make a QUICK QSL KEY in SSB
> other than PLUS that is not modifiable.
> 73
> tonno
> es5tv
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