[WT-support] Soundcard voice keyer

Peter pc2a at pi4cc.nl
Wed Oct 25 19:13:29 CEST 2006


Just puzzling how use the sound card as voice keyer. I have looked at 
the docs pages but I can't figure out how to make voice meassage
Can some one point me how to do this?

 From the quickstart link 
http://www.win-test.com/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=1630 :

*Automatic Voice-Keyer :*

Win-Test can also send calls in phone modes, using your PC soundcard via 
an audio interface (PC/transceiver).
And there is a drawing for a interface and thats all the info I see

At http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/SO1R/CW_Voice_Keyer I found:

To utilize your computer's sound device, you will need hardware to 
connect the audio output to the AF input of your radio. Additionally, 
you will have to connect the microphone to the audio input of your sound 
card and/or alternatively to the AF input of your radio. Some prefer to 
use a switch to route the audio to the sound card or to the radio. Also 
you will need a PTT signal so that your transmitter gets keyed when the 
message starts.

It is essential to accept that you will not be able to live with 
pre-recorded messages. You will definitely want to change voice messages 
on the fly, durig the contest.


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