[WT-support] Demo version

W2RU - Bud Hippisley W2RU at frontiernet.net
Sun Oct 22 22:36:38 CEST 2006

I am a long-time CT user.  Last night I downloaded Win-Test ver 3.4.5 
and started it up.  Since I am not yet a paid subscriber, it went into 
"Demo" mode and I began to try it out in the German contest.  I had made 
about 10 QSOs on 40 when a new window popped open and told me my demo 
was stopped.  Fortunately I figured out how to save my 10 QSOs and move 
them over into Logger32, but by then I was very frustrated.

I understand the author's interest in receiving payment for his creative 
efforts, but there must be a way to allow potential new users an 
opportunity to realistically try out Win_Test without getting knocked 
out of a contest after 10 QSOs.  I don't know how to test whether new 
contest software will meet my needs except by using it in a contest, and 
I can't begin to check out how all its features perform in the space of 
10 QSOs.  When I test drive a Renault at my local dealer, the engine 
isn't programmed to quit running 10 miles down the road....

Back to CT, I guess.

Bud, W2RU

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