[WT-support] WT 3.5.0 released

Olivier F5MZN olecam at f5mzn.org
Sun Oct 22 19:48:50 CEST 2006


Version 3.5.0 is now available:

http://download.win-test.com/wt-3.5.0.exe [full version, 3.9 MB]
http://download.win-test.com/wt-3.5.0-update.exe [update only, 2.2 MB]

3.5.0 (Oct 22, 2006)

- CAUTION : New network protocol version 1.16 released

   Reminder : If you use WT in a networked environment, you must have
   the same WT version on all machines !

- Added CTRL+S as a shortcut for the menu "Commands | Swap the
   frequency on both radios". Tks EA5FV & co.

- CheckPartial and N+1 SCP files : If a DEFAULT.SCP or DEFAULT.DTA is
   in the WT directory, it will be used as default file for partial
   and N+1 checks instead of contest-specific default file. Tnx ES5TV.

- When a log is opened in a networked environment, the date of the
   first QSO must match the others logs date with 20 days tolerance. If
   not, a warning is issued and the network and the sync are disabled
   by default on this machine. You can override this behaviour if you
   really know what you're doing!

- NRAU Activity Contest (NAC) : 50 and 70 MHz added. Tnx SM3PZG.

- TXT and CSV file exports : New fields added : Date (DD-Mmm-YYYY),
   date (DD-Mmm-YY), Freq in Hz, QSX in kHz and Hz.

- Bugfix : RELOAD'ing a file was disabling the integrated keyer
   (Phone or CW) and could lead to a major crash under some particular

- Bugfix : NRAU Activity Contest (NAC) : Bonus points per new
   gridsquare are now considered in the score. Tnx DL1OJ.

- Bugfix : NRAU Activity Contest (NAC) : The spacebar now loops
   the cursor between callsign, received RST and gridquare fields.
   Tnx DL1OJ.

- Bugfix : MMTTY windows were closing themself after 10s. Fixed.
   Tks everybody! :)

Note that most of the Win-Test will be away for the CQWW. Hope to work 
you from FY5KE and good luck in the contest! ;-)

Olivier / f5mzn

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