[WT-support] WT 3.4.5 available

Tõnno Vähk Tonno.Vahk at gildbankers.com
Mon Oct 9 11:37:07 CEST 2006

So I understand the Quick QSL macros are not for SSB SO2R Advanced Mode.

Anyway, I found a way how to generate SSB Quick QSL Key with $CR in scenarios. $CR can only be placed at THE END of a scenario line. Otherwise it is not working in the command line. Thus I have short TU recorded under F6 and in scenario I use $RESET $R2R2 $F6 $R1R2 $CR.

Now it works perfectly.

Another thing I notice is that in 3.4.5 the INSERT and PLUS lines are greyed out in scenarios! Why is that??


-----Original Message-----
From: support-bounces at win-test.com [mailto:support-bounces at win-test.com] On Behalf Of Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2006 12:57 AM
To: support at win-test.com
Subject: [WT-support] WT 3.4.5 available

Hi all !

Version 3.4.5 is now available:


New highlights for this version :

- "Intelligent Quick Qsl" Macros.
- Microham MK2R interface is now supported for advanced SO2R mode. Tnx Jozef OM7ZZ for your kindness and responsive support.
- Intensive tests of CAT connection with ICOM radios by K3LR & W9ZRX.

See the complete release file below signature.

Enjoy !


Olivier F5MZN and Laurent F6FVY


- Added two "Intelligent Quick Qsl" Macros: $QQSLT and $QQSLC. When
   used, these macros send two different confirmation messages, one
   a short QSL message (like TU or EE) and one long QSL message
   (like TU F5MZN).

   A timer ($QQSLT macro) or a counter ($QQSLC macro) are associated
   with these macros to determine if either a short or a long QSL
   message is to be transmitted.

   That way you can send a most of the time a short QSL message to
   confirm the QSO in a pileup, sending your full callsign automatically
   every minute or 5 QSO only.

   You can adapt the counter or timer values as well as the short
   and long messages in the "Intelligent Quick QSL" configuration
   window, from the Tools menu.

   You can use the $QQSLC and $QQSLT macros either in the CW/RTTY
   Messages or in the advanced SO2R scenarios. It is also possible to
   use the feature in SSB (SO1R and SO2R not avanced) but this needs a
   specific configuration in the SSB tab of "Intelligent Quick QSL"
   configuration window.

- Caps Lock can now be used to bind the keyboard to the Secondary
   Radio Window. This can be enabled or disabled in the Operating
   menu. Tks SM3WMV.

- Signal "Headphones Control" (called "RX Focus" in the MK2R
   microHam SO2R interface) is now available on LPT, pin 4. This
   signal allows to control which radio you want to listen in the
   Headphones. Must be enabled in the LPT Configuration Window.
   Low = RADIO 1, High = RADIO 2.

- Signal "Headphones Control" and "Stereo RX Audio" are now
   available on either DTR or RTS pins of any serial COM ports.
   That way, the MK2R microHam SO2R interface can be fully
   controlled through a single USB cable.

- Microham MK2R interface is now supported in SO2R Advanced

- QSY wizard wnd : Ensure that HamCAP is alive and that the
   chart tab is in the one selected in the Options | HamCAP | Tab
   menu. If not, the label "Disabled" is displayed in the window.
   Tnx SM3WMV.

- Worldmap window : New option to display only the terminator of
   the greyline. If chosen, a small sun symbol also is displayed
   on the map.

- Secondary radio wnd : When a binding key is used (see Operating
   menu), the color background of the QSO area is changed. Tnx F6IFY

- Secondary radio wnd : Complete color management, similar to the
   other child wnds.

- Check Partial files : WT now accepts the master.dta (CT format) or
   master.scp (textual) files as default check partial files for the
   HF contests. Note that the scp format is a bit quicker to load than
   the dta format.

- Ctrl-W in the sent report or exchange fields now resets this field
   to the default 59 or 599 report (depending on the mode). Tnx LX1NO.

- To enhance the CT compatibility, Ctrl-K now deletes the content of
   the current field, from the cursor position to the end of the field.
   It also works for the secondary radio with the Shift key, if this
   option is engaged in the Operating menu.

- Register dialog : The light-headed licencees can now enter their
   account customer number to recall it when needed.

- New options to start and stop locally wtDxTelnet in the
   Options / DX cluster menu. wtDxTelnet *must* be installed in the
   same directory as WT (which is its default installation directory).

- Macros added in the Packet Dlg window (Alt-T). To edit a macro
   button Shift-Click on it. Note that the Conn and Bye btns are still
   disabled for now. This should be improved in the future.

- Numerous new labelling and graphics elements resizing to accomodate
   with the German language version. Tnx DL6RAI.

- Split freq dlg (Minus key) : The entered freq is checked against the
   current band. Tnx W9ZRX.

- CheckPartial files : If a general contest-specific file is loaded,
   no band, mode or band/mode default file is loaded.

- ON Contest 80m, 6m and 2m added. Tnx F5IN.

- Bugfix : UBA Spring contests : Small inconstancies in the UBA
   sections list. Tnx F5IN.

- Bugfix : CQWW RTTY : The guessed zone from a previous entered Q was
   not filled if using the spacebar guessing. Tnx DJ1OJ and DL6RAI.

- Bugfix : Packet Dlg wnd (Alt-T) : SH/WWV and SH/WCY were sharing the
   same accelerator key (Alt-W). Now, SH/WCY uses Alt-Y.

- Bugfix : Under some conditions, WWV announcements coming from
   DXNet packet clusters were not always considered.

- Bugfix : The taskbar was flashing if the Packet Dlg (Alt-T) was in
   foreground, and a private gab was received.

- Bugfix : The WCY and WWV text commands were closing the solar
   activity wnd if it was opened, instead of changing data source.

- Bugfix : Packet Dlg (Alt-T). Even when using the macros and shortcuts
   buttons, the focus is now always set to the entry field.

- Bugfix : CQWW RTTY : When changing band by Alt-F1/F2, the
   states/provinces window was not updated. Tnx DL6RAI @ DQ4W.

- Bugfix : CQWW RTTY : Under some conditions, the zone and the
   state/province fields weren't updated after grab. Tnx DL6RAI @ DQ4W.

- Bugfix: Sending a spot with ALT+F3 with split activated
   was not transmitting the RX frequency correctly. Fixed. Tks
   W9ZRX & K3LR.

- Bugfix: CTRL + ENTER in split mode fixed. Tks W9ZRX & K3LR.

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