[WT-support] WT 3.4.5 DXPedition Freeware edition
Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Oct 9 00:16:01 CEST 2006
Hi !
Following the numerous requests we have from DXpeditionners to use
Win-Test, and to support these teams, we decided to release a
specialized freeware version for these activities.
This edition doesn't require any registration, and is limited to the
DXPeditions logs (HF and VHF+) *only*. All usual current features of WT
are implemented and working with no limitation.
It is available here :
This edition will be released time to time only, or if a major DXped
really requires features newly implemented in the current WT version.
We hope the DXPedtionners community will enjoy this decision !
Olivier F5MZN and Laurent F6FVY
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