[WT-support] SO2R/Primary & Secondary

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Fri Oct 6 15:43:33 CEST 2006

Hi Bob

Bob I.2.WIJ a écrit :

> who did a great manual update about SO2R.
> (yes, he is the King of the SO2R, so he has title to
> do it!)

Indeed, José did a terrific job on the wiki which has much evolved these 
last days on the SO2R and the "advanced SO2R" topics :


Tnx José !

> Now reading those pages a question arose to me.
> I always thought as radio1 and radio2 directly
> corresponding also to primary and secondary.
> Now it seems to me it is not true and 
> there is a more subtle difference.
> Can someone clarify how to mean/intend this difference
> and how to state what radio is primary or secondary?

Actually, the primary radio is the one which is related to the data 
entry in the main WT log window, and the secondary radio is the one 
related to the secondary radio window log entry.

Most of the time, radio1 is the primary and radio2 is the secondary, but 
  if you swap the radios (by using the * key), then primary radio will 
be related to radio2 and secondary to radio2. In all cases you can see 
which radio is "active" with the top left LCD-like display of the 
secondary radio wnd.


Larry - F6FVY

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