Laurent HAAS - F6FVY
f6fvy at free.fr
Mon Nov 27 17:45:36 CET 2006
Hi Don
Don Beattie a écrit :
> Am I alone in feeling that there could be an improvement in the way
> packet spots are brought to the attention of the operator ? In a MS
> environment, the "Mult" station is only interested in mult spots. I know
> that the "list" bandmap window can be set to show mults only. But the
> info which is displayed at the foot of the log entry screen, shows each
> packet spot flying past, shows non-mults as well. In the end, the mult
> station operator starts to disregard this data, as most of it is
> irrelevant. I would like the facility to select an option that the
> packet data (the data in red at the foot of the log entry screen) shows
> only VALID MULTS. Does anyone else feel this would be a good feature ? I
> am interested in waking up the mult op when things are quiet (:-)
Actually, it is already implemented ;-)
Quote from http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/Menu:Options#Spot_Warnings
> You can choose to display only the spots of the current band and/or the new multipliers, as well as your own callsign (good to know when you're being spotted!). And of course you may want to hide dupes and invalid callsigns.
It just works.
> Another comment - am I imagining things or did we (in an earlier release
> of WT) have the facility to double right click on a spot in the bandmap,
> and it would put it into the sub-VFO ? This seems not to be there now.
> You need now to open the drop-down window, and then click on the correct
> line - too complex ! It would be great to have the double right
> click facility.
IIRC, it never worked like you're describing, but :
1/ FYI, the sub vfo stuff does work only on the FT1000 series.
2/ If a double click would load your sub VFO, how would you grab the
spot in the current VFO ? A single click only is too dangerous because
you can click a spot inadvertanly to "activate" this wnd. Maybe an
optional key with a double click ? Noted...
Larry - F6FVY
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