[WT-support] WTDXtelnet

Laurent HAAS - F6FVY f6fvy at free.fr
Wed Nov 22 09:34:29 CET 2006

Hi Didier

f5tni a écrit :

> I would like to change address of cluster, how must I make please, here 
> when I replace address IP, in wintest configuration of the interfaces, 
> the software answers me, addresses nonvalid IP.
> I have well, to validate the address: port 41112 and addresses IP 
> In wintest and dxtelnet. Thank you for your assistance.
> P.S Version 2.8 for wintest and 1.1 for telnet

It looks like you totally misunderstood and mixed up the IP broadcast 
address and the DX cluster IP address.

- The IP broadcast address (set in WT | Options | Interface config *and* 
in WtDxTelnet | Options | WT network properties) *must* remain 
identical, and usually are (port 9871) if you don't use 
a network.

- On the other hand, if you want to modify the DX cluster IP address, 
you just have to modify in WtDxTelnet | Options | DX cluster properties. 
DO NOT MODIFY the IP broadcast address in WT or WtDxTelnet !

See http://docs.win-test.com/wiki/DX_Cluster/Telnet for more information.


Laurent - F6FVY

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